Easy PHP Calendar Details

Easy PHP Calendar Details

With so many exciting features, extraordinary support and continual development driven by users just
like you, it’s no wonder that there are thousands of satisfied Easy PHP Calendar users all over the world!

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Seamlessly integrates with an existing web site:


View how these web sites have chosen to use the Easy PHP Calendar:

mySQL and Flat-file database support:


mySQL databases are natively supported by the Easy PHP Calendar. But, don’t worry if you don’t have a server that supports mySQL. The Easy PHP Calendar supports a flat-file database format making it compatible with almost any web server.

Single events, recurring events and floating events:


Flexible event types means you can add events that occur on a specific date. And you can also add events that repeat daily, weekly, monthly or annually.

With floating events, you can even add events that occur on specific days such as the third Thursday or the last Friday in a particular month. Floating events can also be set to repeat as often as needed.

There is even the flexibility to remove single occurrences of recurring events!

Multiple calendar display modes:


There are four distinct display modes of the Easy PHP Calendar. View the Online Demonstration page to see working examples of the different types.

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  1. Normal Mode – A small, compact calendar designed to fit on most any web page.
  2. Text-on-Calendar Mode – A large calendar which will display the event titles directly on the calendar.
  3. List Mode – A day-by-day list of events.
  4. Blog Mode – Combines the Normal and List Mode calendar to produce a blog-style event calendar.

Virtually unlimited user definable categories and colors to separate events:


Create, maintain and assign multiple levels of categories and selections to events. Then, using the filter system, you can choose to selectively display categories such as Birthdays, Holidays, Location and any other category you should ever need.

Setup Manager:


It is very easy to setup and configure the Easy PHP Calendar using the Setup Manager. With in-line comprehensive help, the Setup Manager will help you configure the calendar like a pro in no time! It also has an easy to use installer that allows you to setup the script and almost immediately start using it’s many wonderful features!

Click Here to try the Setup Manager. (The Setup Manager is password protected, but this feature has been removed for demonstration purposes).

Event Manager:


The Event Manager gives you complete control over adding, editing and deleting events. Intuitive controls give you the power to manipulate events with ease.

Click Here to try the Event Manager and see for yourself how easy it is to use. (The Event Manager is password protected, but this feature has been removed for demonstration purposes).

Mouse-over and pop-up event details:


Hover the mouse pointer over an event or click a on date and a pop-up will appear showing complete details about the event. The size, position, layout and options of the pop-ups are all customizable. The pop-ups are controlled by the comprehensive and easy-to-use Setup Manager and can be enabled or disabled to fit your needs.

Rich event descriptions including font sizes/colors and images:


Event titles and descriptions can contain full HTML including links, images, text formatting and more. Used with an optional free WYSIWYG editor, it’s easy to enter dynamic and vivid event information.

Multilingual date and time formats and Event Manager translations:


Harnessing the power of the easy-to-use Setup Manager, date formats, time formats and event texts (such as month and day names) can be modified for compatibility with almost any locale. In addition, the Event Manager includes several language packs with more being added in the future (the language file can also be modified if the language you require is not included).

Template driven List Mode and Blog Mode:


Modify templates (located in the template directory) to easily change the layout of the List Mode and Blog Mode event listings.

Assign multiple users to administer events:


Assign up to 21 users to manage events, each with their own, separate user name and password.

Plus much more… Download the free trial today!

Easily customize colors, font sizes, calendar sizes and more by adjusting just one CSS file and have complete control over how the calendar looks and interacts with users!